Warwickshire Hedgehog Rescue

Helping injured, abandoned and orphaned hedgehogs.

About Us

Our running costs are met entirely by public donations, charitable trust grants and ourselves, from our own purse.  Without these generous donations, we would cease to exist.  Any help you can afford us in our task of saving Warwickshire’s hedgehogs will be much appreciated.


Hedgehogs are thought to be one of Britain’s most loved species. It was a sad day for the country when, on 30th July 2020, the hedgehog was officially declared vulnerable to extinction.


Warwickshire Hedgehog Rescue has an aim: to help maintain or increase the population of hedgehogs in Warwickshire by nursing sick, injured and abandoned hedgehogs until they are well enough to be re-released into the wild.


The Charity is run entirely by volunteers who provide rescued hedgehogs with sanctuary, warmth, food and medical assistance, usually for many months. Of these requirements, the largest annual financial cost is for medical care: the purchase of a multitude of different medications, appliances and veterinary treatments. The running costs are met entirely by public donations, charitable trust grants and the volunteers themselves, from their own purse. Without these generous financial donations and the volunteers themselves, Warwickshire Hedgehog Rescue would cease to exist. Any help you can give the Rescue in its task of saving hedgehogs will be much appreciated.


Meet The Trustees


The Charity is regulated by the Charity Commission.  The Trustees have collective responsibility for the running of the Charity and all policy decisions.


Clare Watson – Chairperson, Secretary, Carer

Liz Lyne - Carer

Gemma Smith – Carer

Sally Ellis - Carer

Ken Faisey – Treasurer



What We Do


Hedgehogs are brought to us by members of the public and local veterinary practices with whom we have fostered good relations. Our aim is always to rehabilitate hedgehogs and return them to their natural environment.  In the majority of cases and when the hedgehogs are well enough, they will be returned to the place where they were found.

Hedgehogs are wild animals and easily stressed. They are not pets and should always be returned to the wild.  We operate a policy of euthanasia on welfare grounds, under veterinary advice, and we work within the relevant UK veterinary and welfare legislation.  Animal welfare is our prime concern at all times.



Talks and Events


Enquiries about talks or having a stall at an event can be sent to our enquiries email.  However, the work of our rescue has to come first on every occasion, the hedgehogs in our care are our first priority and there may be occasions when we are just too busy to be able to commit and we are sorry to have to disappoint you if this is the case.


We cannot bring a hedgehog with us to the talks/events.



As you will appreciate, the hedgehogs in the care of rescues are wild animals and not pets. They are also undergoing treatment and rehabilitation prior to being released back into the wild, so we are not able to bring any of them to show to people. We are bound by a strict code of conduct adhered to by national animal welfare organisations including the BHPS and RSPCA.


Hedgehogs are nocturnal, so they are normally asleep during the day and it is their ‘rest time’. Although we have to handle them as part of their treatment we keep this to a minimum and our practices fall under the Animal Welfare Act and veterinary guidance. To transport them in a car and then get them out in a strange environment during the day would be extremely stressful for them and cause unnecessary suffering.